Black color in Web Design

Lusine Avetisyan
5 min readMar 14, 2021


Color psychology is the science of how colors affect human behavior․ Every day we deal with many colors that affect our emotions and attitudes. This is one of the branches of psychology that studies the influence of colors on a person’s mood and behavior. The thing is, when our minds react to colors, we usually don’t notice it․ The moment our eyes perceive color, they communicate with the brain, which signals the endocrine system, affecting mood hormones and shifting emotions․ A lot of research is being done these days to study the specifics of these reactions, and there are already many theories that are useful to study․ Color psychology is useful in many industries, including business, marketing, and design․

Color affects not only what people feel, but also what they do. Color psychology can help strengthen your brand, encourage sales, and even direct visitors to specific pages or actions on your site․

The success of the site largely depends on the chosen colors for the design․ In this article, we will talk about black, which has many meanings.

It is often combined with elegance, elegance, reputation, strength, care, perseverance, strength, formality and intelligence․

It also symbolizes mystery and complexity․

Black is also a favorite color for text, as it is easy to read․ Black is not a primary, secondary, or tertiary color․

In fact, black is not on the color wheel, as it is not considered a color. Individual reviews of black can be very different․ Black color absorbs all the light of the color spectrum․ According to German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz, “ black is a real sensation, even if it occurs due to the complete absence of light”․ When it comes to high society, black has long been associated with power. It is simple and elegant.

In fact, color encryption plays an important role in the success of your site. As already mentioned, the combination of colors and colors can have a huge impact on how users react and act on the site.

Based on research, it can be said that the user selects or selects a product in 5-80 seconds, and 90% of this decision is based solely on color. Research also shows that color can increase brand recognition by 62-80%.

Depending on the color used, black can be elegant and traditional, or modern and edgy. Black is a great partner for almost any color. it makes other colors brighter. even very dark colors can work well with black when their texture distinguishes them.

Using white provides greater contrast․ Black and red also look very attractive and dramatic, as well as with orange color. The yellow color is really bright against the black background in the mansion, while the light blue adds conservatism.

Black can work great when the site under construction is related to luxury goods, fashion, cosmetics, etch․

However, having an overloaded black is not good, as it can have a huge impact on the psyche. At the same time, a black background improves visibility and depth, but unfortunately reduces readability. Black is very effective for portfolio websites, as such sites tend to be lighter and in this case a bright and expressive impact is acceptable.

And we do not recommend using a pure black background in combination with white, as it can cause serious inconvenience to the eyes if the user visited this site mainly for reading. White radiance is 100%, and black radiance is 0%․ This is usually the maximum possible opposition, we have not been used to such combinations in everyday life for a long time․ This means that when reading, our eyes must work harder to adapt to unfamiliar conditions.

The same mechanism works when we turn on the light in a dark room․ A sudden change in light irritates the eyes․ But if you turn on the night light in a dark room, your vision will fall more quickly and more gently on the light, because the retina will not be overloaded due to the large difference in the light change․

Use a darker shade of gray instead of black and white. In this case, the opposition will not be so strong. This will help keep the retina from overexerting itself during long reads, and the user will be able to spend more time on your page. To create a design that is safe for the eyes, you need to take into account the degree of contrast between the text and the background.

Pure black is not bad for all users. People with visual problems are more comfortable reading texts with high contrast mode. If you want to make the project as accessible as possible to all categories of users, create a website for people with vision problems, use a pure black color. However, do not forget about the other users, for whom you can use a dark shade of gray. If you are not sure about the contraindication to your work, use countermeasures.

The same rules apply to the shades of colored colors. Choose colors to avoid creating unnecessary stress. And remember that this is a guarantee that the user will be able to spend more time on your page.

However, there is no exact formula for choosing the perfect colors. Color values differ based on individual and cultural norms. Here you can see a table that shows the positive and negative values of 12 different colors.

